Detailed Modal Split Traffic Count – 16 button

This is the hardest & most fun count type we offer for you to measure 16 different forms of traffic. We picked these 16 indicators because all forms of traffic can be boiled down into one of these types. The colour-coded buttons is intentional and groups 5 types of cyclists, 7 types of pedestrians, 2 types of personal motor vehicles, and 2 types of oversized motor vehicles. This 4-colour coded scheme directly relates to the colours shown in the condensed 4-button Easy Count type.

  • Adult Passenger – An adult being doubled on a bike. Motorized or not.
  • Child Passenger –  A baby or child on the back of bike or in a bike trailer or cargo bike. Motorized or not.
  • Child on Bike –  A child (approx.under 12) riding a bike. Motorized or not.
  • Adult on Bike – An adult or teenager riding a bike. Motorized or not.
  • Oversized Bike – A person riding a cargo bike or pulling a trailer. Motorized or not.
  • Baby in Stroller – A baby or child being carried, stroller, cradle, papoose, sled, etc… Motorized or not.
  • Child Walking – A child walking. (approx. under 12)
  • Adult Walking – An adult or teenager walking.
  • Visually Impaired – A person with difficulty seeing (sometimes with cane or guide dog).
  • Physically Impaired – A person with difficulty walking (look for walker, cane, cast, limp, lower speed).
  • Wheelchair – A person in a manual or motorized wheelchair. Motorized or not.
  • Skateboards/Scooters + – Small wheels – skateboarding, scooters, roller blades, wheelies; also skating or skiing. Motorized or not.
  • Car/Truck/Van – A sedan, pickup truck, minivan, SUV, etc…
  • Motorcycles + – A motorcycle, larger scooter, vespa, dirt bike, dune buggy, snowmobile etc… Non-human speeds, capable above 30+ kph.
  • Bus – Buses. Transit buses, school buses.
  • Semi/Box Truck – A big delivery truck, semi-trailer, dump truck, etc…

Count options screen

The regular count screen displaying all 16 count types!

Other Count Types

Easy Traffic Count

Carpool Count

Bicycle Gender Count (Observed)

Stationary Activity Count (Public Life Tool. Coming soon)

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